Welcome to KhmerRouge.com

The first website established to study all elements of history related to the Khmer Rouge, Democratic Kampuchea, as well as the actors involved in politics within the region before and after their existence.

This is not a pro-Khmer Rouge website, but rather one that seeks to sift through the rumours and report the truth on one of the most infamous organizations in history.

Khmer Rouge Archive


Phnom Malai and the Khmer Rouge

Phnom Malai is one of the most important areas related to the Khmer Rouge, their insurgency and later reintegration into society. It is particularly important to the family of Solath Sar, more...

Khmer National Solidarity Party

The Khmer National Solidarity Party was an extremely short lived political party that can be viewed in some ways as a successful party to the various incarnations of the Khmer Rouge. It was founded by...

Cambodian National Unity Party

The Cambodian National Unity Party was the last iteration the Communist Party of Kampuchea AKA the Khmer Rouge, as well as being the last Khmer Rouge “party” to hold any power. The evolution of the...

What’s the Cambodian Take on the War in Ukraine?

Speak to rand file Cambodians and they are largely anti the War in Ukraine. This is for a number of reasons, partly the whole flag in the Facebook profile was trendy, but also as a country they are...

Cambodia Hosts First Major Sporting Event in 55 Years

The opening ceremony for the 2023 SEA Games have taken place in Phnom Penh meaning Cambodia is hosting its first major sporting event in 65 years. Amazingly though very few people even know this. To...

Cambodian defense minister backs Hun Sen’s son for PM

Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh has publicly backed the eldest son of Prime Minister Hun Sen to be the next Prime-Minister of Cambodia directly following comments from exiled apportion leader Sam...

Khmer Rouge

Echoes of the Past: American Support for the Khmer Rouge and Modern Rebel Groups

History has an uncanny way of repeating itself, often in unexpected and disquieting ways. One of the more controversial chapters in the annals of American foreign policy is the indirect support the...

The Last Khmer Rouge State: A Journey Through History

When people think of the Khmer Rouge, images of Cambodia’s dark past and the infamous Killing Fields often come to mind. However, fewer are aware of the last Khmer Rouge state, a region where...

Dark Tourism in Anlong Veng and beyond received boost

The nascent Cambodian dark tourism industry has received a boost after a road was paved between Anlong Veng to the last bunker of Pol Pot, as well as plans to renovate the grave of the former...

Democratic Kampuchea

Party of Democratic Kampuchea

The Party of Democratic Kampuchea was a continuation party of the Communist Party of Kampuchea and...

Dark Tourism – Kampong Chhnang Airport

Unbeknown to many there are actually Khmer Rouge and Killing Field sites located throughout...

Santebal – The Secret Police of Democratic Kampuchea

The Santebal (Khmer: សន្តិបាល) which literally means “Keeper of the peace” was the secret police of...

Political Parties

What is Buddhist Socialism and where has it existed?

What is Buddhist socialism, has it ever been attempted, where does it stand today and what impact of any did it have on Cambodia? Officially Buddhist Socialism was the guiding principle of Cambodia...

Workers Party of Kampuchea

The Workers Party of Kampuchea was a political party that exited between the time of the Kampuchean Peoples Revolutionary Party and the Communist Party of Kampuchea. It is therefore a successor of the...

The Burmese Way to Socialism

The Burmese Way to Socialism was the government policy of Burma aimed at turning the country into a socialist utopia by formulating a policy specifically suited to the situation in the country. This...

Stories of the week

Far from being a static historical look at the Khmer Rouge we are constantly adding articles as we learn more, as well as producing work related to contemporary Cambodia. Here are our latest Khmer Rouge stories.

Echoes of the Past: American Support for the Khmer Rouge and Modern Rebel Groups

History has an uncanny way of repeating itself, often in unexpected and disquieting ways. One of the more controversial chapters in the annals of American foreign policy is the indirect support the...

The Last Khmer Rouge State: A Journey Through History

When people think of the Khmer Rouge, images of Cambodia’s dark past and the infamous Killing Fields often come to mind. However, fewer are aware of the last Khmer Rouge state, a region where...

Party of Democratic Kampuchea

The Party of Democratic Kampuchea was a continuation party of the Communist Party of Kampuchea and the political wing of the Khmer Rouge as they once again became insurgents. This was to be the second...